JAckpot #2 Cutters Corner ARENa MArch 23rd! Pre entries OPEN NOW!! TExt 918-740-2369
$20.00 Lead line (6 & Under) no points but receive participation
awards at each jackpot and at the end of the year. Adult must be
present for lead line assistance but does not mean they have to
be led through the pattern.
$30.00 PeeWee’s (6-8 Years of Age) Points will be awarded and
members will run on a standard Junior pattern and can roll over
to the Juniors 15-Under Only.
$40.00 Single – Open 4D and 1 set of points on Rider or a
Specific Horse.
$40.00 Junior (15 & Under) and 1 set of points.
$20.00 Each additional horse for points.
$20.00 Leadline (8 & Under) once set of participation points.
$40.00 Futurity nomination fee
$20.00 Each additional Futurity horse for points.
$40.00 Derby nomination fee
$20.00 Each additional Derby horse for points.
$40.00 Senior (50 and Over as of the first OCA Season Race)
Membership is open to everyone who enjoys the sport of barrel racing. Annual dues become payable on January 1 or at the year-end banquet, whichever comes first. The fiscal year will run from January 1 through December 31.
Non-members may compete but will not be eligible for OCA year-end awards. While in good standing, all members shall have equal rights, interests and responsibilities with respect to the Association and its property. Shall obey and be bound by all rules of the Association and decisions or actions of the Board of Officers; shall have the right to
vote by personal attendance at membership meetings; and shall have the right to hold office and committee assignments. The Board of Officers may expel and/or penalize members for conduct that is not in accordance with such rules and regulations of the Association.
Each member must meet the appropriate age requirement to enter Lead Line Class (8 & Under). PeeWees (6-8) or Junior Class (15 & Under). Eligibility for each will be as of January 1 of the current year.
1. All members are required to pay an entry fee and attend ten (10) OCA jackpots to receive year-end awards. At least 10 jackpots must be paid for BY THE START of the last jackpot in order to receive awards/jackets.
2. Members must work at five (5) OCA Races throughout the season. One needs to be worked at the beginning setting up the entry office, setting up timers and staking barrels and one needs to be worked at the end of the race helping pull stakes, disassemble timer/display board, and or help pack up the entry office once the secretary has completed the race. If you cannot work at 5 races you may buy in for $25.00 per race not worked. Leadline, PeeWees and Juniors are allowed to sell a box of Jerky/Candy etc for each workday as a substitution. (1 Box = 1 Workday) Each contestant will pay a $1.00 fee included in entry fee at all jackpots and must pay $1/run, which will be paid to the volunteer/s who work and set up the barrels before(exhibitions), during, and after the race (after exhibitions). MEMBER MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SIGNING THE WORKLIST TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR WORKING 5 JACKPOTS.
3. All members must sell our Fundraisers (jerky and/or candy) or bring in a sponsorship of equal amount (must be approved by board beforehand) in order to receive year-end awards, members must sell at least two boxes of candy or jerky per nomination. You may also “buy-in” on the profit of this at $60 per set of awards. All Fundraisers must be paid for WHEN you pick them up. You may postdate a check if necessary. There will also be a "nice" item to raffle off and therefore members can choose to sell $60.00 of raffle tickets instead of the Fundraiser items per set of awards.
4. Members receiving year-end awards, but cannot attend the business meeting and banquet, must contact the board in advance and assign someone to accept their awards in person at the banquet or their year-end awards will be forfeited to the next qualified person in the standings. Unless there are extenuating circumstances.